Saturday, September 3, 2011

First Full Week

Well, we made it through the first full week of school! Mrs. Bentz and I tried really hard to keep the kids in their normal routine. For my classroom, that meant the first week of Daily Language Arts (complete with weekly quizzes), spelling, social studies lessons, and language arts lessons. We certainly were busy!!

The students are getting to know each other, and both classes are becoming a bit chatty. Starting next week, Mrs. Bentz and I are going to implement a reward system for those students who are staying on task and doing what they are supposed to be doing. Hopefully this will help keep the classroom quiet and focused!

I hope your students are working hard on their Active Reading Logs! If you did not receive the parent clarification email that I sent out, please let me know. I'm very excited for students to practice their reading strategies at home. I think it's so much more beneficial than just telling them to read for 20 minutes each night.

A highlight for next week will be the Edible Maps in Social Studies. Students will be showing off their knowledge of the physical features of the United States by making a map made out of candy. So much fun! It will also help them prepare for their first Social Studies test, which is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, September 13.

Have a great Labor Day weekend!

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Welcome to the 2011-2012 school year! My name is Mrs. McCleary and I teach 5th grade Language Arts and Social Studies on the Blue Team. Here's some important information you should know for this school year:

Beginning and Ending Time of School
-The first bell rings at 8:20. Students need to be in their homerooms by the 8:35 bell.
-The dismissal bell ends at 3:20 each day.

Best Ways to Contact Me
-Email is the best way to get in touch with me. My school email is
-The school phone number is 937-642-1154. If you call, you will be redirected to my voice mail, so this is not the best option.
-If you prefer, you may write a note in your student's planner. If you do so, I will respond in the same way.

Ways I'll Communicate with You
-Email is the easiest way for me to communicate with parents; however, if you would prefer phone calls or written notes home, just let me know!

There's much more information coming your way, with the start of the school year just a few weeks away. If you have any questions before the first day, please let me know! Enjoy the rest of your summer!