Monday, October 11, 2010

Again, I am blown away by my students' creativity! We just finished up our Native American unit in Social Studies. Students were asked to create a Native American artifact at home, using as many natural resources as possible. The work students did on this project was amazing!! It was very evident that each student worked very hard and used his or her creative mind muscles to create masterpieces. Take a look at to see some pictures of this project!

The end of the first nine weeks is almost here! Can you believe it?! I hope to blog more during the rest of the year - I am sure you can all understand what a busy time of year this is. It has been a pleasure for Mrs. Bentz and I to get to know all 49 of our students. We are very proud of all of their accomplishments and we are looking forward to heading into the "meat" of 5th grade!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Genre Pictures = FANTASTIC!

I've been so busy that I haven't had time to post a blog!

I just wanted to share that I was grading some of the Genre pictures that the students did in class today and they are AWESOME! I am so proud of the 5th graders and how well they did on this assignment.

Each student picked a genre that we have discussed in class. They then drew a picture that describes this genre and created a word web for the genre. They turned out fabulous and I will be hanging all of them up on the bulletin board in my room. :)

Monday, August 30, 2010

First Week

Well, we have the first week of school under our belt. This year at Creekview, we are learning how to work as a community. We started the year off with some great community building activities. We talked about how we want Creekview to look, sound, and feel. The entire school made "t-shirts" that reflected who we are. In math and science, students brought in brown bags with items that represented who they are. Students also participated in a great group project called "Creature Feature" (you should ask your student about that one!).

We had an awesome week! This week, we are going to start to get into the groove of academics. So, wish us luck! We're off!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

End of Summer is Near

We are at the time of year again. The end of summer is on it's way and it will soon be time for back to school!

Enjoy your last few weeks of freedom and I will see you in the fall! :)